Tuesday, October 27, 2009

So it's Been a Little while

And by a little while.... I mean a lot a while. Life has been flying past me at break neck speak and I'm holding on for dear life because I know the minute I stop I'll have to asses the aftermath of everything good and bad that's happened on this journey thus far.... And I dunno that I'm ready to do that yet.

Over the last week I did some writing again. It's not that I haven't wanted to write before now... I just couldn't. The muse wasn't with me if you will. But now apparently I have been inspired and thus feel the need to put this crap out here for any bored soul to pick at.

These poems are reflective, (one humorous, the others.... well they're... Just read and see). The last poem was actually written first. The first "poem" was written about 20 min after the second one. Which were both written over a glass of woodford reserve and water on the rocks at a poetry reading.... I wound up reading all three the same night.

Enjoy them. Laugh at them. Think about them. Respond to them.

“Thoughts From Last Night”

If you have to name them Uggs
Why would you wear them?
“Let’s represent a response to a stomach ulcer!” Right?

If it’s cold enough for tights
It’s not hot enough for track shorts

Wearing your pearls at 8 am
Doesn’t make up for wearing his boxers from 2 am

And, a shirt two sizes to large
Does NOT equal an aptly sized dress

They say that I should be more Christ-like in my treatment of you all
Thus I feel the need to set you all on fire
And send you straight to hell.

“Come out from the Fallout Shelter”


For every kid
Who ever wanted to redraw the outlines of the world,
But Couldn’t
Because they were told they weren’t artistic…

They are on the rise,
And their paint brushes…
They are sharpened into sabers.


For every old man
Who had a story to be told before his death bed
…was made

But now they’re rising from the grave
To show that they are to be remembered by more than inscriptions-
On pieces of limestone


And will continue to shake
Until everyone realizes
That we are all called


Because the reality is
That we may not have another day

To realize that we are all artists

We all have a mark to leave

A pen to bleed dry-

Like my eyes
After years and years
Of tears
Over the fears

One day the ground will stop shaking

And I….

….I will be left unmoved.

“One Day the World will See what this is, and not what They Want it to Be”

This is not a poem
This. Is. Not. A. Poem.

This is a needle and record dance
With me pushing into you
Until you scream the things I want to hear

This is a star fighting against the moon
Knowing it’s bigger and brighter
But proximity is always trying to push it out

This is a soldier coming home from war
Wanting nothing more than to see his sweetheart…
But all he gets is a note (on an empty refrigerator)


This is a slave running for freedom
Fleeing for his life
But not being able to see his way out of the field

This is a crying child begging to be understood
Screaming until her face is filled with blood
But her parents can’t seem to speak her *divine dialect*

This is 2 brothers in 1970 Berlin
Wanting to be a free family
But forced to live separated because of – concrete –

This is 2 lovers who want to embrace
Dying to be viewed as equal
But sleeping in fear because the world is afraid of what’s different.

This is anyone
And anything
That ever felt - That this whole damn world
Was so concerned with making a buck
Off of the pains and struggles
We call day to day life
That they’d rather win a Pulitzer Prize
Or an Emmy
Then take a second to help
The Subject Piece
(of their real life exposé)

For them….
This is just a poem.

But this is NOT

Well that's all for this poet. I promise I'll strive to post again before 10 months. I really do cherish feedback. It's how I continue my change and search.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Meaning in the mess of ink

So I figured it was about that time that I wrote another blog, sorry for the 2 or 3 of you who actually read this at the delinquency. So I have had a lot going both externally and internally since I’ve been back at Bama. I think the quote that sums it up took place in text conversation with my best friend. It went something to the effect of:
B: Life is a roller coaster, you just have to hang on and know that it’ll work out and be enjoyable in the end.
Me: Yeah…. I know… I just wanna get some snacks before I get on though….

That pretty much hits the nail on the head. Random, complex, and otherwise pointless at times… Nonetheless you can still laugh at it…But one thing that always seems to help me center things up is writing and listening to people read there writing.
Thus I decided to go to the first speak the speech of the semester last night and listen to some very talented writers, and hopefully find some inspiration.. AND I DID! I wound up writing a few poems there and then due to the prompting of another good friend, I decided to read. So for the 3 of you who read this and weren’t there Here is what I read. They were all written over the course of the weekend…..

I opened on a mildly humorous note:

Random Haiku # 67

I saw you out there
Hot like a brand new toaster
Shit! I am so toast.


To the Audience # 1:

When the background noise
Becomes the background of your life
When the white lies
Light up the blue skies
And day to day
You quickly

But what the hell is this more
Is it something waiting just outside the…..

(you decide what comes next)

The next two kind of go together….

The Preface:

Keep it short
Keep it sweet
My words you want to eat
Keep it predictable
Keep it literal
My thoughts become increasingly visceral

My mind is not a menu
For you to pick any 3
So you can tailor a feast for you
… of me

Puck-YU Chinese Take Out:

Hi! Can I take your order?
Oh yes sir,
I’d be more than happy to get you:
One blind following,
A side of fuck off
And a medium self-indulgence to drink
Anything else today sir?
Ok. Pull forward for your total.

And the grand total is…..
More than you could ever pay.

No sir we DON’T accept cash, credit, or check

No.. No sir.. This can’t go on your tab.

I don’t care that you’re late for a meeting

You’ve been coming here ordering the same thing
For the last 15 years

And by now your debt
Is more than anything
On this earth could ever ransom

You had to have known it would come to this one day…..

And I closed with this one that I wrote about 5 min before I spoke….

While I was Listening to Real Poet:

I am not a poet
No, I am no t a suave voice
With moving, grooving rhymes
That soothe your soul every time

No I am not a poet
I am not a tapestry
Upon which I paint my words

I am not a poet
I can’t seem to say just the right thing
At just the right time
To cause a tear to fall from your eye
Or move you from your space to mine

I am
(none of these)

I am No Whitman, No Dickinson, No Poe
I dream of being as Baraka, as Ginsberg, or Thoreau

Yet I will never be

I wil never be
Any more than what you see
What you see
A sea
A sea
A sea of complexity
And me
Me, wishing
I had a we
But nonetheless I am

And I write
And will write

Because though I am not a poet
I am me

And my words
Will find someone
Even if
It’s myself finding
…. eM

So yeah, there ya go. I know some of them are a bit rough… and some are not as thought out as they could have been. But hopefully you can glean something for this.
