Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Americano, Pencil, Paper

In contrast to what is thought to be required of me, last night I decided to do some more writing of a non-legal sense. While my classmates fine tuned outlines and cranked out memos I decided to do a little scribble therapy. Here's what I came up with.

"Lead Feet & A Paper Path"

What worth are these words
What meaning is derived
~~~~~~ lead
on a page

There is no power in this pencil
No magic between the movement
Of my hand
This utensil

It is in the impetus
It is in the amorphous
It is in the things that are real

The truth is in the cluster
The realization in the mess
We are the meaning
People are poetry

"John Lennon Dared Me To"

Imagine if you will
That you are someone else
A new name
A new face
[An identity all but foreign]
Known only from your infrequent wanderous thoughts

Who are you?

Are you a Ballerina in the 20's
Who fled home and joined the show
Because with each pirouette
You're unraveling the ---
-- strings
- that
Had woven together over time
To tie you to a dead end town

Are you Elanor
Fighting for true love
Even though you'll never have it for your own
Even the first lady longs
[... for her first lady]
But her march for equality
Has legs weaker
Than those she's sacrificially stood beside for so long

Maybe you're the notes floating off Jimi's guitar
Onto the souls of 10,000 dancing feet
Because expression is better than repression
And it's about your life was your own experiment
Something more [other] than seeing
Which parent's path was right in the end

Yet and still maybe you imagine yourself nothing
A void
Vast expanse of ............
There's no room for hurt in a vacuum
And bruises don't linger on air
[perfection in the form of inexistence]

Or maybe you're me
Sitting across from you
Imagining you Imagining me
Chasing you
Through the vast ---- [infinity]
The mind is full of infinite paths
And my thoughts have wearyless legs
[Can we run together for a while?]

Eat em up, Spit em back out, or pass it on to the next guest...


Monday, February 27, 2012

After a Year of Silence

So last night I picked up my bottle of Johnny Walker and as luck would have it my notebook and a pencil... This is what followed. Not sure how I feel about it.

"Wide Eyes and Licorice"

Wide eyed...
I stood there trembling
My hands pressed hard against hers

Words hanging still in the air
Like decorations left up from Christmas
[it's may...
.... I guess the holiday never ended]

And in that still and silence
A faint laughter
Soft and Innocent
And there in the gateway to his soul stood a child
small, curious
Toe headed as the sun
That shone like his smile

The world that was before him was one he'd not yet seen
What were these glass orbs strewn across the floor
What were these ember tipped sticks making clouds in the room
Funny thought the boy

Then with childish ignorance he
And began to run
Back into the depth of his gateway
Arms stretched wide
Wide as the recesses he was running back into

He had seen things that were foreign and funny
Things a child had no business pondering

Instead he'd rather run
Run for hours in the forest of my mind
Chasing thoughts like butterflies
And ignoring fears like licorice


If only it were that simple
And you could pick your thoughts
Like candies at the drug store

Instead we pick drugs like candies
Hoping they take us to a sweeter day
A day where we run with the little boy
That sparkles in our eye

For now I'll trade that sparkle
For a tremble
Wide eyed....


Look into me.