Tuesday, December 23, 2008

So I finally decided to give myself a reason....

First and foremost, whoever can tell me where that title is from gets major bonus points.... Unfortunately because I haven't struck it rich yet, these points are much like the points on Who's Line is it Anyways... They're there to make you feel like you've accomplished something, but really they just help keep the show rolling and in the end amount to nothing.....

..... (I smell a segue)......

With this thought (and many others for that matter) I write my first blog post in the better part of 3 to 4 years... Sure I’ve done the cliché MySpace blogs or facebook notes with my poetry or occasional ramblings, but I decided that I’m in college now, and by God if I wanna be one of those cool, intellectuals that people take seriously.... I NEED A BLOG (cue that triumphant montage music)

..... (The brief digression)....

I understand this doesn't have to do with the aforementioned bonus points, Drew Carey hosted game shows (excluding the price is right... he's not bob barker... the price is wrong B!%^@)... But this does have to do with me, my blog and people. So bare with me.

I decided to write this because last night was again one of a multiplicity of nights where I was sitting, driving, etc and that certain song for that just right moment comes on, and I felt like I was left standing back watching me on a movie screen as the music played the emotional overture to a scene of heavy pontification.... And you think to yourself wow I’ve got some serious stuff swirling around up there and I should write it down. Because that's what all great people do right, they write down all their aimless thoughts and ramblings, publish them and then become famous. After reading one of my best friend’s blogs I am convinced 1000 times over he'll be famous, so I figure I can at least write a foreword for somebody and muster enough case for a nice artery clogging spread of the Wendy’s value menu.....

So as I bring this digression to a close, the long and short of this preface is, I have way too many thoughts in my tiny head, and I’m running out of crevices for them to be stored in... Thus I’m dumping them on here, thanks to inspiration from a best friend.....

........ (Now back to Drew Carey and the bonus points).....

When you watch show’s like Who’s Line is it Anyway where they have points or other stimuli that amount to nothing in the end other than they just kept the show rolling, what does that make you think of? Let me throw another one at you that really knocked the wind outta me, CASH CAB! That’s right I said it, and I stand by it. My one reason for watching the Discovery Channel on a semi-regular basis is a fix. I know I was as shocked as you are right now. I thought all along that these people were so lucky and that in the end they were walking out of the cab (if successful) with real money. But ohhh no. That’s fake money they’re holding when they get out of the cab, they get a check mailed to them at a later date…
To quote my Mass Comm teacher Dr. Roberts, “Does this bother anyone?!?”
My question is, “Is anyone else bothered by the fact that shows like this lead us to believe that one thing is happening that is happy, but in the end it is just a stimulus to keep the ball rolling?”
Now I take that thought and then begin to look at my life. How much different stuff am I involved in to keep the proverbial ball of life rolling for appearances sake? How often do I fool myself and others to boost my ratings and public opinions so I don’t get cancelled or voted off my little island.
In life I think we spend so much time trying to appease everyone else and trying to maintain a pseudo state of homeostasis that we lose touch with ourselves and with others around us. We don’t need bonus points to keep us and others happy. We need to be ourselves. WE need to live the life that each and every one of us were destined to live. When you’re doing this bonus points don’t matter, because you life is better than any super double mega give away round could ever be.

Now I just have to convince myself to take my own advice… So I propose a checklist.

(primary lofty goals)
[] Stop living for others bonus points
[] Vote others off who are trying to have me worry about being voted off

(short-term need to get them done so I don’t ruin Christmas goals)
[]wrap presents
[] finish making mom’s calendar (holding out for it to be here by new years0
[]cope with my brother’s in-laws

(immediate self gratifying goals)
[]Go surfing
[] Comeback without freezing off any essential appendages

Well that about does it for me for now… Hope maybe some of this made some sense… there’s my ride.


1 comment:

  1. 15 million points to you, sir, for finally blogging.

    and 5 million more for the shoutout.
